All packed up, ready to fly

Posted on August 27, 2006

Everything is packed, all the gear is checked, I’m all set for tomorrow’s flight to London, England.

I’ll be spending Monday and Tuesday in London with my wife –Tuxa, then I’ll leave her with her brother Tuesday evening and catch a train to Birmingham where I’ll attend YAPC::Europe::2006. I expect to have lots of fun there.

Then Saturday we’ll both catch our trains to Stratford-Upon-Avon and we’ll linger around for a few (hopefully) nice and relaxing days, before heading out to London where we’ll catch our plane back to Portugal on Wednesday.

In the end it was actually a lucy break that I booked the wrong flight into London, as it gives me an extra day there to wind down before heading out to the conference (that and the fact that we’re celebrating a kind of anniversary of our own, Tuxa and I, so we’ll just extend the celebrations to cover our days abroad). ;-)

Anyway, I’m all set here, so I’ll just have the rest of the day to geek out a bit (Tuxa is having dinner with a few of her girl friends which leaves me home alone tonight) and to set me in the right kind of mood to get through all of the utter nonsense I expect to be put through tomorrow at the airport and during the flight.