The long, pregnant silence… :-)
This is a summary of what I’ve been up to recently and what I expect to be up to in the near future.
I’ve been on vacation for the past two weeks and it accounts for some of the down-time.
I did manage to be “semi-active” and pre-produced and launched two episodes of the Undercover Songs podcast during that time. I even replied to some comments on the blog.
Got a submission in for the next episode of the Contrast podcast. I missed the one about the best Beatles Covers because the submissions where held during my vacation –and I did have a few very good ones– so to make up for it I exposed one of the skeletons I’ve held in my closet for the past years and contributed with one of the songs I liked when I was 16. It will be episode 16 and it should be out by next tuesday if all goes well.
It is now only a matter of bureaucracy inside my company for me to become registered as an attendee at the upcoming EuroOSCON2006 conference. It promises to be both a lot of fun and also a very fruitful event. I can hardly wait for it.
It is also a matter of bureaucracy the registration for the YAPC::Europe::2006 conference. I’ll be enjoying the rest of this year’s vacations in the UK at that time and I decided to go to the conference at Birmingham and then meet up with my wife for a week in Statford-upon-Avon and it’s whereabouts.
During my vacation I finished reading Cut by Cut and I must say I really enjoyed it. It is really more of a handbook for the film editor but I learned a lot from it about what goes on in the editing room of a film or video and I think I’ll enjoy reading In The Blink of an Eye all the more for it (if I can get a copy of it that is, Amazon has been delaying delivery due to stock failure for weeks and weeks…)
The thing that got left behind was the foray into Cocoa programming, since I only did some small advancements into the Programming in Objective-C book and just when it is getting good… Oh well, I’ll get to it eventually.
Technorati Tags: conferences, music, podcast, video