Well that’s it, the EuroOSCON 2006 is nearly over (I’m at the last talk I plan to attend right now) and it has been good.
I’ve put a few notes of some of the talks I attended in my [/notebook] and while they’re basically just that –notes taken during a lecture– maybe someone will be interested in them.
I’m flying home today and I’ll be arriving late (technically I’m betting that I’ll arrive tomorrow) so I’ll miss my podcast day. Oh well…
This is at as far as conferences go this year and I must say that for my particular needs YAPC::Europe::2006 was actually a bit better than EuroOSCON 2006.
Technorati Tags: EuroOSCON, EuroOSCON06, EuroOSCON2006, Conference, OpenSource