taking off soon?

Posted on January 20, 2005

The good news is that the migration of the hosting service of the pm groups is over (mostly).

The not-so-good news is that we lost the ability to have dynamic content on the pages, so the page we (me and Paulo) where planning to put up won’t be possible to do after all.

So now we have to decide weather to do a simpler, static page, create the page somewhere else and upload it regularly (cronjob type of thing, of course) or just drop the hosting offered by and just host the site on my own server.

This last option doesn’t appeal to me because my site is hosted at my home and I have this understanding with myself that when the line comes down the site goes out and no big deal about it. For my personal site this is OK, but I’m not so conformable about doing that with a site that is supposed to belong to “the community”.