The continuing media spring-cleaning saga

Posted on April 4, 2005

The photo organization is almost done. I still have to tag and date the old photos that where digitized from negatives (some from my wedding and also a lot of them from the USA coast-to-coast road trip, just to name a few examples) and this will take a while, since I’ll have to extrapolate from other (digital) photos and some other bits and pieces of information. But this is a mere detail and the big organization is effectively done.

And this leaves me with just one other major re-organization to do: the music files.

Now this I was leaving behind because, being the meticulous kind of freak I am, I know that once I start it I will not be able to sleep well until this task is done, and done properly. And this means not only grouping albums and ordering the songs in them, but also collecting all the cover art I can from the Internet and digitizing those which I cannot find on-online. And also, of course, filling the gaps left on some albums from the less than ideal approach I’ve taken so far to archiving. I will also have to finally go through the “assorted” folder and all its little sub-folders and choose what I’ll keep, what I’ll throw away and organize what will be kept. A lot of work, then.

But this weekend I just had to start it. And that’s because I’ve apparently been a “good boy” (tm) this year and so on my birthday my wife got me an iPod Photo. So now I have all of my 10.000+ pictures in it and also about 5.000+ songs in it. But I want to have all the songs in there, and I want them well organized. That is why I couldn’t put it off any longer. A double edged-sword of a gift the iPod… ;-)