How I am using Movabletype

Posted on May 20, 2004

Mena at Six Apart asked anyone who cared to explain how they where using Movabletype to leave a track-back to this entry on Six Apart’s weblog.

Well, here’s how I use it (on a Movabletype 2.64):

  • My personal weblog (one author);
  • One personal test weblog (one author);
  • A weblog for an open-source project - syndigator (3 authors);
  • A weblog for my wife’s readers club - 4 friends who like books and reading (4 authors)

This makes up for the grand total of 4 weblogs and 7 authors.

While I could conceivably pay for the tool, $150 is totally out of the question, all of the weblogs are either personal or used by groups of people who are basically just a group of friends writing software essentially for fun or talking about the books they read.

So this is my “rational, just the facts” type post.

I won’t be migrating to 3.0 soon, it doesn’t bring any major new feature that would be useful for me, it is still unstable (I know people who are using it and it isn’t a rock-free road) and I am definitely not going to be paying that sort of money for a “weblog for friends”-infrastructure.

I like Movabletype a lot, it has a nice structure, I like the fact that it is written in Perl (yes, I know, this is a purely personal opinion) and apparently versions 3.0 upward will bring added security and enhanced performance but there are a lot of viable alternatives so either the licensing scheme is revised or my next upgrade will be into another tool.