Diary 2008-01-19

Posted on January 18, 2008

What a week I’ve had…
This evening I went to have dinner with a couple of friends (or should I say a couple I’m friends with)?
Anyway, I kept having that irksome trouble of trying to remember the name of bands, songs, movies, actors or whatever and just blanking. I could almost feel my synapses shutting down when I needed them to work.
Boy, I’m tired! I definitely need a break. I still have three more weeks to go before I hit the mountains and thrash my body away in the slopes, while my mind gets the royal treatment and gets cleansed by the sights of the snow and trees. Can’t wait!

The conversation during dinner led me to a peculiar realization tough: I haven’t been discovering new music recently, not as I used to.
I’ve been buying some old albums that I didn’t have and I missed or that I previously had and wanted to get again and I’ve especially been re-connecting with some old music (some of which has been really balmy to the soul, to be sure), but as far as new music goes, I’ve essentially been stalled for quite some time now.
This is not a good thing.

On the other hand, going to work by train is definitely the best decision I’ve made in recent times. The amount of reading I’ve been getting done in the daily commute is very significant and I feel great when I get to the office or home, not at all stressed out like I used to feel for the last… oh… far too many years.
I still take the car when I need to, but those times just make me appreciate all the more the other days when I put on my headphones, sit back on the train and read myself away to some other place for the whole journey. In fact I sometimes find myself wishing the journey was longer so that I could read just a little bit more!
It really feels like going to college all over again, only now I don’t feel like I’m slacking off and should be studying all the time! :-)